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Тестировалось на P3608B Software, Version 10.1.0F Build 81296

1.1 Status ONU

llidOnlineInfoStatusLLID & ONU binding status1. onlyLLID & ONU binding statusauthenticated(0)
Switch#show epon onu-information 
Interface EPON0/1 has registered 18 ONUs:
IntfName         VendorID ModelID    MAC Address    Description                     BindType Status           Dereg Reason     
---------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ------------------------------- -------- ---------------- -----------------
EPON0/1:1        ----     0x00000000 8479.7374.d794 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:2        ----     0x00000000 8479.7374.d795 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:3        ----     0x00000000 8479.7374.d796 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:4        ----     0x00000000 8479.7374.0d79 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:5        ----     0x00000000 8479.7374.d797 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:6        ----     0x00000000 006d.6195.caa8 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:7        ----     0x00000000 98c7.a406.d6cc N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:8        ----     0x00000000 e0e8.e6bf.75bf N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:9        ----     0x00000000 0008.3601.bd7a N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:10       ----     0x00000000 98c7.a406.d6c8 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:11       ----     0x00000000 e067.b361.f5f0 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:12       ----     0x00000000 e067.b3de.a9a6 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:13       ----     0x00000000 9845.623f.77ea N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:14       ----     0x00000000 f8f0.8218.dbcc N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:15       ----     0x00000000 f8f0.8210.33c3 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:16       ----     0x00000000 e067.b31a.2b3c N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow           
EPON0/1:17       SNR      SE1G       f8f0.8215.7844 N/A                             static   auto-configured  N/A              
EPON0/1:18       ----     0x00000000 e067.b300.0001 N/A                             static   deregistered     unknow   

Switch#show int epon 0/1
EPON0/1 is down, line protocol is down
  protocolstatus upTimes 10, downTimes 10, last transition 1970-1-4 1:58:34
  Ifindex is 76, unique port number is 12
snmpwalk -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 5
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2

3320. - 76 = ifindex интерфейса GPON, 17 = порядковый номер ONU

1.2 RX OLT pon port

ponOpticsRxPowerRx power of OLT optical module1. onlyThe rx power of optical module The unit is 01DBm
Switch#show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis interface epON 0/1:17
 interface    RxPower(dBm)
-----------  --------------
epon0/1:17   -34.0      

Switch#show int epON 0/1:17
EPON0/1:17 is up, line protocol is up
  protocolstatus upTimes 4, downTimes 3, last transition 1970-1-3 23:9:52
  Ifindex is 113, unique port number is 12 (отсюда вытаскиваем Ifindex для ONU = 113)
  Hardware is Giga-LLID, address is 9845.6223.009a (bia 9845.6223.009a)
  MTU 2025 bytes, BW 1000000 kbit, DLY 2000 usec
  Encapsulation ARPA
  Flow-Control Off
snmpwalk -v2c -c test - 113 =  ifindex ONU
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: -340 (единица измерения 0.1 dBm)


opModuleRxPowerONU PON port optical Rx Power1. onlyONU PON port optical receive power Unit is 01dB
opModuleTxPowerONU PON port optical TxPower1. onlyONU PON port optical send power Unit is 01dB
Switch#show  epon onu-ctc-optical-transceiver-diagnosis interface epON 0/1   
IntfName     Temp(degree) Volt(V) Bias(mA) TxPow(dBm) RxPow(dBm)
------------ ------------ ------- -------- ---------- ----------
epon0/1:1    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:2    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:3    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:4    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:5    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:6    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:7    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:8    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:9    --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:10   --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:11   --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:12   --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:13   --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:14   --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:15   --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:16   --           --      --       --         --        
epon0/1:17   35.6         3.3     15.1     1.7        -22.7     
epon0/1:18   --           --      --       --         --    

Switch#show int epON 0/1:17
EPON0/1:17 is up, line protocol is up
  protocolstatus upTimes 4, downTimes 3, last transition 1970-1-3 23:9:52
  Ifindex is 113, unique port number is 12 (отсюда вытаскиваем Ifindex для ONU = 113)
  Hardware is Giga-LLID, address is 9845.6223.009a (bia 9845.6223.009a)
  MTU 2025 bytes, BW 1000000 kbit, DLY 2000 usec
  Encapsulation ARPA
  Flow-Control Off  
snmpwalk -v2c -c test - 113 =  ifindex ONU
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: -226 (единица измерения 0.1 dBm)
snmpwalk -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 17 (единица измерения 0.1 dBm)

1.4 Mac address table

Поддерживается стандартный OID dot1qTpFdbPort(, по отзывам работает стабильнее, чем родной на более старых версиях прошивки.

Switch#show mac address-table 
        Mac Address Table (Total 59)

Vlan    Mac Address       Type       Ports
----    -----------       ----       -----
170     f880.8276.1108    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b95f.835b    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     5416.5166.c0eb    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0050.56b1.dbb0    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     e069.95ba.ad17    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0a12.45e2.9d53    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b95b.fd55    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     482c.d083.548f    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     50eb.713e.4121    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b960.fe4b    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     d037.4553.8814    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b959.2130    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8265.958d    DYNAMIC    g0/5
4033    0014.a882.0302    DYNAMIC    g0/5
182     0a12.2c91.8cf2    DYNAMIC    g0/5
182     0014.a882.0302    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0050.c294.6040    DYNAMIC    g0/5
100     0014.a882.0302    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8265.af3c    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0014.a882.0302    DYNAMIC    g0/5
1199    0014.a882.0302    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0013.c607.4587    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b946.a7fe    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     c434.6bbf.6644    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0050.c25d.3033    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     2441.8c8f.9878    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0050.56b1.95aa    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b95c.4c33    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0050.56b2.4b8b    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     5254.0027.94ff    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0050.c228.1000    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8265.86c9    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     d8c0.a693.2239    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0e1a.bfd2.9cdc    DYNAMIC    g0/5
182     d476.a000.b6cc    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     000c.2997.d08c    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0008.a20e.e8d1    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b95d.eed3    DYNAMIC    g0/5
4033    1cb7.2c91.8cf2    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8265.85a6    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8265.851d    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8265.852d    DYNAMIC    g0/5
182     60f1.8ada.3335    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     a042.3f2f.1cdb    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0e1a.2c91.8cf2    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b95f.2b6a    DYNAMIC    g0/5
4033    8840.3362.4a9e    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8265.c0cc    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     64d1.5440.b91b    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     d476.a000.b6cc    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0011.0403.0694    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     bc32.5fab.905d    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b954.a880    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f023.b95e.57e7    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8292.3ee5    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     f8f0.8265.c21a    DYNAMIC    g0/5
170     0897.988f.db54    DYNAMIC    g0/5
182     0050.b60f.36d6    DYNAMIC    epon0/1:17
1       f8f0.8215.7845    DYNAMIC    epon0/1:17
snmpwalk -Cc -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
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SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
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SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
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SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 69
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 113
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 113

Первое значение после OID = vlan, затем MAC в DEC, результат = ifindex интерфейса.

1.5 Mac address from ONU

llidMacSearchIfIndexLLID interface index1. writeLLID interface id, unique in system Set this OID will trigger the search action Get will return the ifindex corresponding to current llidMacSearchResultTable
llidMacSearchResultIndexEntry index for search result1. onlyEntry index for mac address search result
llidMacSearchResultVlanSearch Result Vlan1. onlyVlan of the entry
llidMacSearchResultMacAddressSearch Result Mac Address1. onlyMac address of the entry
Switch#show mac address-table int epON 0/1:17
        Mac Address Table (Total 2)

Vlan    Mac Address       Type       Ports
----    -----------       ----       -----
182     0050.b60f.36d6    DYNAMIC    epon0/1:17
1       f8f0.8215.7845    DYNAMIC    epon0/1:17
snmpset -v2c -c test i 113 - 113 = ifindex ONU
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 113 

snmpwalk -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 1
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 182
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 1
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = Hex-STRING: 00 50 B6 0F 36 D6
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = Hex-STRING: F8 F0 82 15 78 45

2. GPON:

Тестировалось на GP3600-08B Software, Version 10.3.0D Build 99242

2.1 Status ONU

gponOnuStatusOnuStatus onlyONU Status 0 off to line, 1 inactive, 2 disable, 3 activeoff to line(0),
Switch_config#show gpon onu-information                   
Interface GPON0/1 has bound 2 ONUs:
IntfName       VendorID  ModelID      SN               LOID                     Status   Config Status Active Time
-------------- --------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------------ -------- ------------- -------------------
GPON0/1:1      HWTC      N/A          HWTC:E6BF75AF    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 
GPON0/1:2      PX20      N/A          PX20:19082100    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 

Interface GPON0/4 has bound 3 ONUs:
IntfName       VendorID  ModelID      SN               LOID                     Status   Config Status Active Time
-------------- --------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------------ -------- ------------- -------------------
GPON0/4:1      HWTC      N/A          HWTC:006BD2F1    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 
GPON0/4:2      HWTC      N/A          HWTC:8218DBCC    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 
GPON0/4:3      BDCM      N/A          BDCM:6B241F1E    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 

Interface GPON0/8 has bound 7 ONUs:
IntfName       VendorID  ModelID      SN               LOID                     Status   Config Status Active Time
-------------- --------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------------ -------- ------------- -------------------
GPON0/8:1      HWTC      N/A          HWTC:82129648    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 
GPON0/8:2      HWTC      N/A          HWTC:3601BD62    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 
GPON0/8:3      BDCM      N/A          BDCM:62F80BC3    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 
GPON0/8:4      DC19      N/A          DC19:B361F5E8    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 
GPON0/8:5      HWTC      ONT1GEF      HWTC:821033C3    N/A                      active   success       2000-01-05 00:16:52 
GPON0/8:6      HWTC      N/A          HWTC:B31A2B3C    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A                 
GPON0/8:7      BDCM      N/A          BDCM:625B9188    N/A                      off-line N/A           N/A  

Switch_config# show int gpON 0/8:5
GPON0/8:5 is up, line protocol is up
  protocolstatus upTimes 1, downTimes 0, last transition 2000-1-5 0:16:52
  Ifindex is 174, unique port number is 21
  Hardware is GPON-ONUID, address is 9845.6230.cb2f (bia 9845.6230.cb2f)
  MTU 4000 bytes, BW 2500000 kbit, DLY 2000 usec
  Encapsulation ARPA
  Flow-Control Off
  5 minutes input rate 61478 bits/sec, 92 packets/sec
  5 minutes output rate 4220178 bits/sec, 351 packets/sec
     Received 25248 packets, 2461126 bytes
     0 unreceived burst, 0 bip8 error
     0 fec corrected, 0 fec uncorrectable
     0 lcdg error, 0 rdi error
     Received ploam 80 non-idle, 0 error
     Received omci 575 frames, 0 error
     Transmitted 91703 packets, 136733077 bytes
     39 ber reported
virtual-port 1 UniCast:
     Received 25248 packets, 2461126 bytes
     Transmitted 91703 packets, 136733077 bytes
snmpwalk -Cc -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 3
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0

2.2 RX OLT pon port

gponOltPonPortOpticalRxPowerRxPowerReceiving optical power1. onlyThe rx power of optical module The unit is 01DBm
Switch#show gpon optical-transceiver-diagnosis  interface gpON 0/8
 interface    Temperature(degree)    Voltage(V)    Current(mA)    TxPower(dBm)
-----------  ---------------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
 gpon0/8      35.0                   3.4           13.3           3.6           
 interface    RxPower(dBm)
-----------  --------------
 gpon0/8:5    -12.1  
snmpwalk -Cc -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: -121
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 0


gponOnuOpticalPowerRxPowerReceiving optical power1. onlyunit:0,1dBm
gponOnuOpticalPowerTxPowerOutput optical power1. onlyunit:0,1dBm
Switch#show gpon onu-optical-transceiver-diagnosis interface gpON 0/8 
 IntfName       Temp(degree)  Volt(V)  Bias(mA)  RxPow(dBm)  TxPow(dBm)
 -------------  ------------  -------  --------  ----------  ----------
 gpon0/8:1      --            --       --        --          --
 gpon0/8:2      --            --       --        --          --
 gpon0/8:3      --            --       --        --          --
 gpon0/8:4      --            --       --        --          --
 gpon0/8:5      34.6          3.3      12.2      -11.5       1.6       
 gpon0/8:6      --            --       --        --          --
 gpon0/8:7      --            --       --        --          --
snmpwalk -Cc -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: -115

snmpwalk -Cc -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 16

2.4 Mac address table

По аналогии с EPON, поддерживается стандартный OID dot1qTpFdbPort(

2.5 Mac address from ONU

gponMacSearchResultIndex onlyEntry index for search result
gponMacSearchResultIfThe port diID of the MAC address in the entry1. onlyDiid of mac entry
gponMacSearchResultVpThe Virtual port of the MAC address in the entry1. onlyVirtual port of mac entry
gponMacSearchResultVlanThe VLAN to which the MAC address in the entry belongs1. onlyVlan of mac entry
gponMacSearchResultMacAddressThe MAC address in the entry1. onlyMac address of mac entry
gponMacSearchTypeSet query type, after which start the query process1.  writeMAC address search type Set this OID will trigger the search actionmac(1),
mac to vid(2),
if to index(3),
gponMacSearchTimeRecord the moment the query reaches the current result1. STRING)read onlyThe date time corresponding to current gponMacSearchResultTable
gponMacSearchCondMacSet queries for MAC addresses in the criteria1. writeMAC address condition for search Get will return the MAC corresponding to current gponMacSearchResultTable, 00:00:00:00:00:00 for not used
gponMacSearchCondVidSet query criteria for VLAN values1. writeVlan id condition for search Get will return the vlan id corresponding to current gponMacSearchResultTable, 0 for not used
gponMacSearchCondIfIndexSet the port diID value in the query criteria1. writeIfIndex condition for search Get will return the IfIndex corresponding to current gponMacSearchResultTable, 0 for not used

Switch#show mac address-table int gpON 0/8:5
        Mac Address Table (Total 1)

Vlan    Mac Address       Type       Ports
----    -----------       ----       -----
170     0050.b60f.36d6    DYNAMIC    gpon0/8:5-1

Switch#show int gpON 0/8:5
GPON0/8:5 is up, line protocol is up
  protocolstatus upTimes 1, downTimes 0, last transition 2000-1-5 0:16:52
  Ifindex is 174, unique port number is 21

snmpset -v2c -c test i 174
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 174

snmpset -v2c -c test i 3
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 3

snmpwalk -Cc -v2c -c test
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 1
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 174
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 1
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 170
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = Hex-STRING: 00 50 B6 0F 36 D6
  • No labels